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Welcome to Tokali
Where passion meets taste

Vin og ost

Våre viner

Gresk vin
"Den nye stjernen på vinhorisonten"


Get to know Tokali

A warm-hearted family business

with great passion for the treasures of

the Mediterranean.

TOKALI which means "the good" in Greek,
will with respect for nature
and the people who grow the products,
share the good with the rest of Norway.

The products we offer are carefully

selected and intend to give you

a taste of The Mediterranean's

rich culture and traditions.



Greek wine
"The new star on the wine horizon"

In recent years, Greek wine has had

a well-deserved upswing,

and caught the attention of wine lovers

all over the world.


With its unique combination of

ancient wine traditions and

modern production techniques,

offers Greek winemakers an explosion

of flavors and character.


With a rich heritage and a diversity of flavors,

Greek wine is on its way to becoming

a new favorite on the wine market.




The use of alcohol can cause various harmful effects.
Further information can be found here


Explore Greek wine from Klados winery

Join us on a tasty journey to Crete,

and experience the magic in every drop.

We look forward to sharing our passion for Greek wine with you!

Gratis champagne

Ukens Smaksopplevelse

Hver uke vil vi dele en ny, spennende oppskrift laget

med våre egne produkter.

Vi håper disse oppskriftene

vil inspirere deg til å lage

god mat hjemme.

Greske viner – Bestill via ditt lokale Vinmonopol


Vi importerer nøye utvalgte viner fra Hellas, som nå kan bestilles direkte på ditt lokale Vinmonopol.

Dette er våre tilgjengelige viner:


Her King

Bestillingsnummer: 17945401

Pris: 233 NOK


White Diva

Bestillingsnummer: 17812101

Pris: 233 NOK


Grate Hawk

Bestillingsnummer: 17812001

Pris: 233 NOK


Pink Black Bird

Bestillingsnummer: 17812201

Pris: 233 NOK


Gå til Vinmonopolet, oppgi bestillingsnummeret, og bestill den vinen du ønsker.


Vin og ost

"Ventetiden er over: 
Stalia-oljene er endelig på lager!

De første flaskene fra Stalia er endelig på lager.

Disse forsvinner raskt, men flere oljer er på vei!

Bestill i nettbutikken idag


The Mediterranean's
liquid gold

Imagine coming to the sunny island of

Crete, where you are greeted by

a warm smile and a heartwarming

welcome from George, who has dedicated

his life to creating something very special.


At Cretanthos, you not only

meet producers,but people with

a passion and pride for each

and every bottle of oil.


George proudly opens the doors

to his little olive grove,

and happily share the secrets behind

their exceptional olive oils.

Natural skin care

Try the olive oil creams "Perlekremen" from Cretanthos

They are ideal for use on damaged skin, skin with allergic irritation, insect bites, cracked heels, scars, nail infections, and burns

We are also now working to find more of the best

and the most natural wellness products from the Mediterranean.

We look forward to sharing this with you, and are currently working on finding the right manufacturers.

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